
As Wikipedia puts it....

These are a fun generalisation of ellipses. Piet Hein popularised the 3-D version decades ago as they form convincing 'egg' shapes which happily balance on their 'long' end!


It is fun to investgate by drawing a 'family' of super-ellipses. Then I added colour filling, saved each frame, and made this animation..

You may prefer to set the boundary to fill TO to the same as the one to fill WITH.



    WindowWidth = 830  : WindowHeight = 630
    UpperLeftX  =  10  : UpperLeftY   =  10

    pi  =atn( 1) *4
    Cx  =400
    Cy  =300

    open "Super Ellipses" For graphics_nsb as #wg

    hw      =hwnd( #wg)
    calldll #user32, "GetDC", hw as ulong, hdc as ulong

    #wg "down; trapclose [quit]"
    #wg "fill 140 140 50"

    a   =390  '   horizontal semi-diameter
    b   =280  '   vertical   semi-diameter
   'n   =         exponent

    r  = 30 '   Initial colour values for the fill.
    g  =260
    bl = 20

    count =0

    for n =3 to 0.1 step -0.1
        #wg "down"

        r           =r  +7       'int( 40 +215 *rnd( 1))                '   to create a colour gradient.
        g           =g  -7       'int( 40 +215 *rnd( 1))                '   randoms f you prefer them..
        bl          =bl +7       'int( 40 +216 *rnd( 1))

        fillCol$    =str$( r)     +" " +str$( g)   +" "   +str$( bl)

        #wg "color ";     fillCol$
        #wg "backcolor "; fillCol$

        targetcolor   =bl *2^16    +g *2^8    +r      '   this is colour to fill WITH
                                                      '   this is also the colour of the outline to fill out TO.

        #wg "up ; goto "; 400 +a; " 300 ; down"

        for t =0 to 2 *pi +0.02 step 0.01
            '         oscillating term         semiaxes    switch quadrants term
            x       =abs( cos( t))^( 2 /n)       *a          *sgn( cos( t))
            y       =abs( sin( t))^( 2 /n)       *b          *sgn( sin( t))
            xS      =400 +int( x)
            yS      =300 +int( y)
            #wg "goto "; xS; " "; yS
            'timer 50, [go]
            '    wait
            'timer 0
        next t

        calldll #gdi32, "ExtFloodFill",_
            hdc                as ulong,_
            Cx                 as  long,_
            Cy                 as  long,_
            targetcolor        as  long,_                '   ie fill out 'til this colour is met..
            _FLOODFILLBORDER   as  long,_
            result             as  long

        #wg "getbmp scr 0 0 800 630"
        'bmpsave "scr", "images/sc" +right$( "000" +str$( count), 3) +".bmp"
        count =count +1
    next n


    function sgn( w)
        select case
            case w <0
                sgn =-1
            case w =0
                sgn = 0
            case w >0
                sgn = 1
        end select
    end function

    calldll #user32, "ReleaseDC", hw as ulong, hdc as ulong, ret as void   'release the DC
    close #wg