Serendipitous Turtles!

In a moment of madness I wondered if I could create a sine wave which was modulated at a higher frequency- but transverse to its current direction ( imagine bending a wire into a whole lot of small sin waves, then bending that wire bigger amounts but of much longer wavelength.) I thought turtle graphics would help.

Here's my first attempt- I got it wrong!!

More accurate turtle graphics WOULD have helped. But LB's native commands can't be used for accurate graphics since they round off distances and angles.

Luckily I wrote replacements long ago- so the errors don't accumulate as in the first attempt. Long time LB user. See my website!

Basically, here's a warning to LB-ers not to use inbuilt turtle commands for accurate results. It stores nearest screen position and/or an integer angle, so each move/draw can be wrong by up to half a pixel. The next move then starts from the wrong position/angle, and in figures with finer detail than a large square it goes badly and unpredictably wrong. Example is my Koch curve example.. see

My replacements for draw and turning store x, y and orientation as floats, so errors should not exceed one pixel.


    '   Demonstrates turtle drawn directly, avoiding LB's turtle errors and giving
    '       direct access to turtle's position/heading, saved in globals.
    global  pi,             TX,         TY,         Ttheta
            pi =4 *atn( 1): TX =102:    TY =252:    Ttheta =0 '   screen left, centred vertically, pointing west


    WindowWidth  =1100: WindowHeight =700

    open "Demo Koch Snowflake" for graphics_nsb as #wg

    #wg "trapclose quit"
    #wg "backcolor white"
    #wg "goto 2 2 ; down ; box 1202 702 ; up"

    call graticule

    l =160

    for d =0 to 5
        TX      = 180 *d +26    '   <<<< start position, direction of each Koch curve.
        TY      =  87 *d +51
        Ttheta  =0

        for side =1 to 3
            call fwd l, d
            call turn 120
        next side

        #wg "flush"

    next d

    #wg "flush"
    '#wg "print 1110"


    sub quit h$
        call save$
        close #h$
    end sub

    sub fwd length, depth
    if depth <= 0 then
        call forward length
        call fwd length /3, depth -1:     call turn -60
        call fwd length /3, depth -1:     call turn 120
        call fwd length /3, depth -1:     call turn -60
        call fwd length /3, depth -1
    end if

    end sub

    function sinRad( a)
        sinRad =sin( a *pi /180)
    end function

    function cosRad( a)
        cosRad =cos( a *pi /180)
    end function

    'sub draw lifted, x, y
    '    if lifted =0 then #wg "up" else #wg "down"
    '    #wg "line "; TX; " "; TY; " "; x; " "; y
    '    Ttheta  =atan2( x -TX, TY -y) *180 /pi  '   NB DEGREES.
    '    TX      =x
    '    TY      =y
    'end sub

    sub turn angle  '   increment/update global turtle direction ( in DEGREES)
        Ttheta =( Ttheta +angle) 'mod 360
    end sub

    sub forward s
        dx  =s *cosRad( Ttheta)
        dy  =s *sinRad( Ttheta)
        #wg "down ; line "; TX; " "; TY; " "; TX +dx; " "; TY +dy; " ; up"
        TX  =TX +dx
        TY  =TY +dy
    end sub

    function atan2( x, y)
        Result$ = "Undetermined"
        If ( x = 0) and ( y > 0) Then atan2 = pi / 2:     Result$ = "Determined"
        If ( x = 0) and ( y < 0) Then atan2 = 3 * pi / 2: Result$ = "Determined"
        If ( x > 0) and ( y = 0) Then atan2 = 0:          Result$ = "Determined"
        If ( x < 0) and ( y = 0) Then atan2 = pi:         Result$ = "Determined"
        If Result$ = "Determined" Then [End.of.function]

        BaseAngle = Atn( abs( y) /abs( x))
        If (x > 0) and (y > 0) Then atan2 =        BaseAngle
        If (x < 0) and (y > 0) Then atan2 = pi    -BaseAngle
        If (x < 0) and (y < 0) Then atan2 = pi    +BaseAngle
        If (x > 0) and (y < 0) Then atan2 = 2*pi  -BaseAngle
    end function

    sub graticule
        #wg "down"
        for x =0 to 1500 step 50    '   draw vertical graticule lines
            'if x =( Tx -2) then #wg "size 4 ; color red" else #wg "size 2 ; color white"
            #wg "line "; x +2; " "; 2; " "; x +2;   " "; 702
        next x
        for y =0 to 800 step 50
            #wg "line "; 2; " "; y +2; " "; 1202; " "; y +2
        next y
        #wg "up"
    end sub

    sub saveS
        #wg      "flush"
        #wg      "getbmp scr 0 0 1110 710"
        filedialog "Save as ", "*.bmp", fn$
        bmpsave    "scr", fn$
    end sub

Anatoly ( tsh3) commented- 'I remember having troubles drawing Pythagoras tree with turtle So I found it and then fixed with John's code.


    #gr "turn -90"
    #gr "go ";l
    #gr "turn 45"
-- .. to ..
    call turn -90
    call forward l
    call turn 45

So a recursive figure now renders correctly.


   'some recursive drawing
    global  minLength
    minLength = 5
    WindowWidth = 640
    WindowHeight = 480
    UpperLeftX = (DisplayWidth - WindowWidth )/2
    UpperLeftY = (DisplayHeight -  WindowHeight )/2

    open "gr" for graphics_nsb as #gr
    #gr "trapclose [quit]"
    #gr "home ; down ; posxy midX midY"
    width = 2*midX : height = 2*midY

    l = 100
    #gr "place ";midX-l/2;" ";400
    #gr "turn 90"
'    print l
    call box l
    #gr "color red; go 10"

sub box l
    'recursion exit condition
    if l < minLength then
        'it should left in same position as if drawn
        #gr "go ";l
        exit sub
    end if
    'draw a box
    for i = 1 to 4
        #gr "color ";word$("red green blue black",i)
        #gr "go ";l
        #gr "turn -90"
    'set place for a next box
    #gr "turn -90"
    #gr "go ";l
    #gr "turn 45"
    'call recursively
    call box l/sqr(2)
    'goto next position
    #gr "turn 90"
    'call recursively
    call box l/sqr(2)
    'now set to back position...
    #gr "turn 45"
    #gr "go ";l
    #gr "turn -90"
end sub

    close #gr

fixed code
Copy Code
   'some recursive drawing
'+Turtle fix by Tenochtitlanuk
    '   Demonstrates turtle drawn directly, avoiding LB's turtle errors and giving
    '       direct access to turtle's position/heading, saved in globals.
    global  pi,             TX,         TY,         Ttheta
            pi =4 *atn( 1): TX =102:    TY =252:    Ttheta =0 '   screen left, centred vertically, pointing west
' // ---------------------------------
    global  minLength
    minLength = 4
    WindowWidth = 640
    WindowHeight = 480
    UpperLeftX = (DisplayWidth - WindowWidth )/2
    UpperLeftY = (DisplayHeight -  WindowHeight )/2

    open "gr" for graphics_nsb as #gr
    #gr "trapclose [quit]"
    #gr "home ; down ; posxy midX midY"
    width = 2*midX : height = 2*midY

    l = 100
    TX =midX-l/2:    TY =400
'    print l
    call box l
    #gr "color red; go 10"

sub box l
    'recursion exit condition
    if l < minLength then
        'it should left in same position as if drawn
        call forward l
        exit sub
    end if
    'draw a box
    for i = 1 to 4
        #gr "color ";word$("red green blue black",i)
        call forward l
        call turn -90
    'set place for a next box
    call turn -90
    call forward l
    call turn 45
    'call recursively
    call box l/sqr(2)
    'goto next position
    call turn 90
    'call recursively
    call box l/sqr(2)
    'now set to back position...
    call turn 45
    call forward l
    call turn -90
end sub

    close #gr

'Turtle fix by Tenochtitlanuk, with globals above
    sub turn angle  '   increment/update global turtle direction ( in DEGREES)
        Ttheta =( Ttheta +angle) 'mod 360
    end sub

    sub forward s
        dx  =s *cosRad( Ttheta)
        dy  =s *sinRad( Ttheta)
        #gr "down ; line "; TX; " "; TY; " "; TX +dx; " "; TY +dy; " ; up"
        TX  =TX +dx
        TY  =TY +dy
    end sub

    function sinRad( a)
        sinRad =sin( a *pi /180)
    end function

    function cosRad( a)
        cosRad =cos( a *pi /180)
    end function