File Processing

LB processing CSV or similar datafiles

This arose when an OP had a large data set that he wanted to process with LB- some 100,000 rows with 9 data items on each row. It could have been processed entirely within a spreadsheet, but using LB has some advantages.

Each row of data represents a test drill sample, with the hole name, its x/y coordinates, various other data, and the sample value and a code revealing if baserock has been hit. Yuo drill down until two '107's tell you it's bottomed out. Then you reverse up the hole averaging as you go until you hit the data for the next hole...

Any spreadsheet can import/export the data in comma-separated or space-separated or any other chosen form. As given here I use the space-separated form. The data is read into an array, and word$( is used to separate the needed two numeric columns.

816475 612556.66 206700.69 695.7 0 1 1 0.55 2
816475 612556.66 206700.69 694.7 1 2 1 0.76 2
816475 612556.66 206700.69 693.7 2 3 1 0.29 97
816475 612556.66 206700.69 692.7 3 4.2 1.2 0.27 97
816478 612657.66 206699.49 687.6 0 1 1 0.31 1
816478 612657.66 206699.49 686.6 1 2 1 0.39 1
816478 612657.66 206699.49 685.6 2 3 1 0.82 2
816478 612657.66 206699.49 684.6 3 4 1 0.96 17
816478 612657.66 206699.49 683.6 4 5 1 1.01 2
816478 612657.66 206699.49 682.6 5 6 1 1.1 3
816478 612657.66 206699.49 681.6 6 7 1 1.11 3
816478 612657.66 206699.49 680.6 7 8 1 1.12 3
816478 612657.66 206699.49 679.6 8 9 1 0.24 107
816478 612657.66 206699.49 678.6 9 10 1 0.2 107
816512 612755.44 206900.48 684 0 1 1 0.41 1
816512 612755.44 206900.48 683 1 2 1 0.49 2
816512 612755.44 206900.48 682 2 3 1 0.68 2
816512 612755.44 206900.48 681 3 4 1 1.07 3
816512 612755.44 206900.48 680 4 5 1 1.26 7
816512 612755.44 206900.48 679 5 6 1 1.18 3
816512 612755.44 206900.48 678 6 7 1 1.29 3
816512 612755.44 206900.48 677 7 7.5 0.5 1.22 3
816512 612755.44 206900.48 676.5 7.5 8.5 1 0.25 107
816512 612755.44 206900.48 675.5 8.5 9.5 1 0.24 107
816515 612858.25 206899.19 682.6 0 1 1 0.39 1
816515 612858.25 206899.19 681.6 1 2 1 0.63 2
816515 612858.25 206899.19 680.6 2 3 1 0.62 2
816515 612858.25 206899.19 679.6 3 4 1 1.1 2
816515 612858.25 206899.19 678.6 4 5 1 1.02 107
816515 612858.25 206899.19 677.6 5 6 1 0.93 3
816515 612858.25 206899.19 676.6 6 7 1 1.63 3
816515 612858.25 206899.19 675.6 7 8 1 1.59 3
816515 612858.25 206899.19 674.6 8 8.5 0.5 1.46 3
816515 612858.25 206899.19 674.1 8.5 9.5 1 0.23 107
816515 612858.25 206899.19 673.1 9.5 10.5 1 0.22 107
816518 612954.44 206898.89 677.8 0 1 1 0.66 1
816518 612954.44 206898.89 676.8 1 2 1 0.69 2
816518 612954.44 206898.89 675.8 2 3 1 0.68 2
816518 612954.44 206898.89 674.8 3 4 1 0.91 3
816518 612954.44 206898.89 673.8 4 5 1 1.11 3
816518 612954.44 206898.89 672.8 5 6 1 0.18 3
816518 612954.44 206898.89 671.8 6 7 1 0.18 3
816542 612758.25 206809.3 687.2 0 1 1 0.69 1
816542 612758.25 206809.3 686.2 1 2 1 0.73 2
816542 612758.25 206809.3 685.2 2 3 1 0.94 2
816542 612758.25 206809.3 684.2 3 4 1 1.07 2
816542 612758.25 206809.3 683.2 4 5 1 1.07 2
816542 612758.25 206809.3 682.2 5 6 1 1.04 2
816542 612758.25 206809.3 681.2 6 7 1 1.1 3
816542 612758.25 206809.3 680.2 7 8 1 0.27 107
816542 612758.25 206809.3 679.2 8 9 1 0.29 107

'   It's a new hole if you see two consecutive 107s in column 9. Otherwise skip.
'       Now average up to end-of-hole
'   Data is in a space-separated file.

                                                            '   count the number of records in the file
countdata = 0
open "sample2.spsv" for input as #count

while eof( #count) = 0
    line input #count, n$
    countdata = countdata + 1

close #count

dim existingRows$( countdata)                               '   store each ROW as a single array entry

open "sample2.spsv" for input as #readme

for i = 1 to countdata                                      '   so first line read appears at top of data
    line input #readme, data$            ':   print i, data$ '   to check data read correctly
    existingRows$( i) =data$

close #readme
print "Data successfully read": print
print "Hole number "; word$( existingRows$( countdata), 1, chr$( 32))
lastHoleLookedAt$   =word$( existingRows$( countdata), countdata, chr$( 32))

oreValTotal         =0
numSamples          =0

for i = countdata to 1 step -1
    currentHole$ =word$( existingRows$( i), 1, chr$( 32))

    if currentHole$ <>lastHoleLookedAt$ then                '   we've just met a new set of readings & hole name...

        if i <>countdata and numSamples <>0 then            '   print final results of last hole. Avoid div-by-zero error if no values
            ave                 =oreValTotal /numSamples
            print "Hole number '"; lastHoleLookedAt$; "' has average "; using( "###.#####", ave)
            print: print: print "Hole "; currentHole$
            oreValTotal         =0                          '   reset for new hole
            numSamples          =0
        end if
        i =i -1
                                                            '   skip hole if no 107 to base it from and not EOD
        if val( word$( existingRows$( i), 9, chr$( 32))) <10 and ( i <>countdata) then
            print "Skip hole   '"; currentHole$; "'": print: print
            'i =i -1
        end if

        lastHoleLookedAt$ =currentHole$

    else                                                    '   work upwards on new hole
        Code                    =val( word$( existingRows$( i), 9, chr$( 32)))

        'if Code <90 then
            newOreVal           =val( word$( existingRows$( i), 8, chr$( 32)))
            oreValTotal         =oreValTotal +newOreVal
            numSamples          =numSamples +1
            print "Total ore value "; using( "##.###", oreValTotal); " with "; numSamples;_
                " samples.", "Ave. "; using( "##.####", oreValTotal /numSamples)
        'end if

    end if

    if i =1 then                                            '   special case- last (top) row
        ave =oreValTotal /numSamples
        print "Hole number '"; lastHoleLookedAt$; "' has average "; using( "###.#####", ave)
    end if


next i

'open "processedOreData.csv" for output as #outfile

'close #outfile
