Clock hand alignment

I saw several interesting old clocks on my travels and wondered about the angles when the hour, minute ( and seconds) hands were parallel, at 120 degrees, anti-parallel, etc.

_ _


 00 : 00 :  0.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  00 : 21 : 42.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         00 : 32 : 44.0 ( Anti-parallel)
 01 : 05 : 27.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  01 : 26 : 47.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         01 : 38 : 11.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  01 : 49 : 29.0 ( 120 degrees)
 02 : 10 : 55.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  02 : 32 : 53.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         02 : 43 : 38.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  02 : 54 : 35.0 ( 120 degrees)
 03 : 16 : 22.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  03 : 37 : 58.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         03 : 49 :  5.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  03 : 59 : 40.0 ( 120 degrees)
 04 : 21 : 49.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  04 : 44 :  4.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         04 : 54 : 33.0 ( Anti-parallel)
 05 : 27 : 16.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  05 : 49 :  9.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         06 : 00 :  0.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  06 : 10 : 51.0 ( 120 degrees)
 06 : 32 : 44.0 ( Parallel)
                         07 : 05 : 27.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  07 : 15 : 56.0 ( 120 degrees)
 07 : 38 : 11.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  08 : 00 : 20.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         08 : 10 : 55.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  08 : 22 :  2.0 ( 120 degrees)
 08 : 43 : 38.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  09 : 05 : 25.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         09 : 16 : 22.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  09 : 27 :  7.0 ( 120 degrees)
 09 : 49 :  5.0 ( Parallel)
                                                  10 : 10 : 31.0 ( 120 degrees)
                         10 : 21 : 49.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  10 : 33 : 13.0 ( 120 degrees)
 10 : 54 : 33.0 ( Parallel)
                         11 : 27 : 16.0 ( Anti-parallel)
                                                  11 : 38 : 18.0 ( 120 degrees)



    WindowWidth  =420
    WindowHeight =490

    open "Analogue Clock" for graphics_nf_nsb as #wg

    #wg "trapclose quit"
    #wg "font Ubuntu_mono bold 18"

    i   =0

    gosub [bg]

    for seconds =0 to 86400 /2 -1 step 1                    '   check every 1 second in 12 hr cycle
                                                            '       6 degrees per min/sec. 30 degrees per hour
'for seconds =21 *60 +40 to 21 *60  +44 step 1
        angleSecs   =( 6 *seconds) mod 360                  '   second hand position in degrees
        angleMins   =( 6 *seconds /60) mod 360              '   minute hand position in degrees
        angleHrs    =( 12 *seconds /60 /24) mod 360         '   hour   hand position in degrees

        #wg "cls"
        #wg "drawbmp scr 1 1"

        #wg "color darkblue ; up ; goto 100 445 ; down"
        #wg "\" +tme$( seconds)

        xH =120 *sinrad( angleHrs):  yH =120 *cosrad( angleHrs)
        #wg "size 7 ; up ; goto 200 200 ; down ; color   red ; goto "; 200 +xH ; " "; 200 -yH

        xM =150 *sinrad( angleMins): yM =150 *cosrad( angleMins)
        #wg "size 5 ; up ; goto 200 200 ; down ; color  cyan ; goto "; 200 +xM ; " "; 200 -yM

        xS =160 *sinrad( angleSecs): yS =160 *cosrad( angleSecs)
        #wg "size 3 ; up ; goto 200 200 ; down ; color  pink ; goto "; 200 +xS ; " "; 200 -yS

        nearness0     = angleBetween( angleMins, angleHrs )         '    abs( angleMins -angleHrs)
        nearness180   = angleBetween( angleMins, angleHrs ) -180    '    abs( angleMins -angleHrs)  -180

        HM120         = angleBetween( angleMins, angleHrs )         '   abs( angleMins -angleHrs)  -120
        SM120         = angleBetween( angleMins, angleSecs)         '   abs( angleMins -angleSecs) -120
        HS120         = angleBetween( angleHrs,  angleSecs)         ' ( abs( angleHrs  -angleSecs) -120) mod 360

'print int( angleHrs), int( angleMins), int( angleSecs), int( HM120), int( SM120), int( HS120)
        'if  ( ( abs( HM120) <40) and ( abs( SM120) <40) and ( abs( HS120 ) <40) ) then
        if  abs( HM120 -120) <3 and abs( SM120 -120) <3 and abs( HS120 -120) <3 then
            print tab( 50); tme$(seconds); " ( 120 degrees)"
            #wg "color black ; up ; goto 100 445 ; down"
            #wg "\" +tme$( seconds)
            seconds =seconds +360
            call screenGrab i: i =i +10
        end if

        if abs( nearness0  ) <0.045 then
            print tme$( seconds); " ( Parallel)"
            #wg "color black ; up ; goto 100 445 ; down"
            #wg "\" +tme$( seconds)
            seconds =seconds +1
            call screenGrab i: i =i +10
        end if

        if abs( nearness180) <0.045 then
            print tab( 25); tme$(seconds); " ( Anti-parallel)"
            #wg "color black ; up ; goto 100 445 ; down"
            #wg "\" +tme$( seconds)
            seconds =seconds +1
            call screenGrab i: i =i +10
        end if

        'CallDLL #kernel32, "Sleep", 20 As ULong, ret As Void

    next seconds


    function angleBetween( i, j)
        if i < j then 
           temp =i
           i    =j
           j    =temp
        end if
        th1             =i -j
        th2             =360 -i +j
        angleBetween    =min( th1, th2)
    end function

    function tme$( tSec)
        hrs     =int( tSec /60 /60)
        tSec    =tSec -hrs *60 *60
        mins    =int( tSec /60)
        secs    =tSec -mins *60
        tme$    =" "; right$( "00" +str$( hrs), 2); " : "; right$( "00" +str$( mins), 2); " : "; using( "##.#", secs)
    end function

    function sinrad( th)
        sinrad =sin( th *2 *3.14159265 /360)
    end function

    function cosrad( th)
        cosrad =cos( th *2 *3.14159265 /360)
    end function

    sub screenGrab i
        #wg "flush ; getbmp scr2 1 1 400 440"
        bmpsave "scr2", "clockPics/pic" +right$( "000" +str$( i), 3) +".bmp"
    end sub

    sub quit h$
        close #wg
    end sub

    #wg "color white"
    #wg "size 6 ; fill 50 50 50"

    for th =0 to 360 step 30
        xSi =180 *sinrad( th): ySi =180 *cosrad( th)
        xSj =190 *sinrad( th): ySj =190 *cosrad( th)
        #wg "up ; goto "; 200 +xSi; " "; 200 -ySi; " ; down ; goto "; 200 +xSj ; " "; 200 -ySj
    next th

    #wg "getbmp scr 1 1 420 420"
