Checking & limiting number of times a program was run

This example program shows how you can make a LB program modify itself as stored on hdd, so next time it runs it announces how many previous runs have occurred, and stops you if you exceed a limit. Of course anyone able to edit a LB program can see what is happening- but a similar technique should work with tokenised code if you append some dead space at the end to use... By default the LB editor is set to update the displayed code after a run, so you actually see it changed! ( Look under preferences for 'Reload file on activate)

This code is for the display of a coloured-strip analogue thermometer. It uses a graduated bitmap of colours, which are hidden by a moving white box.

'   ___________________________________________________________________
'             Illustrating an analogue meter display
'           .. and a 'number of times run' technique.
'   -------------------------------------------------------------------


    open "MeterCountVersions.bas" for input as #b
        l        =lof( #b)
        content$ =input$( #b, l)
    close #b

    version  =asc( mid$( content$, l -50, 1)) -48
    if version <100 then nv$ =chr$( version +1 +48) else [quit]

    content$ =left$( content$, l -51); nv$; mid$( content$, l -49)

    open "MeterCountVersions.bas" for output as #b
        #b, content$;
    close #b

    graphicbox #Meter.g,         70,  70, 170,  10
    statictext,  "",  200,  40,  80,  30
    statictext #Meter.st2, "",  100,   2,  80,  30

    open "Progressing analogue display." for window as #Meter

    #Meter, "trapclose [quit]"

    #Meter.g, "down"
    loadbmp "scale", "colours.bmp"
    #Meter.g, "drawbmp scale 0 0"
    #Meter.g, "flush"

    #Meter.st2, "Used "; version; " times."

    for i =0 to 60 step 0.1
        temperature =1 +84 *( 1 +sin( i)), int( temperature); " Celsius"
        #Meter.g, "drawbmp scale 0 0"
        #Meter.g, "place "; temperature; " 0"
        #Meter.g, "backcolor white"
        #Meter.g, "boxfilled 250 40"
        #Meter.g, "flush"
        timer 100, [on]
        timer 0
    next i


'   _______________________________________________________________________
    close #Meter

'   _______________________________________________________________________


Another version, which self-erases after 5 trial runs, or two weeks- whichever is the sooner.

You'd of course edit the references to the *.tkn that you would distribute...

'   ___________________________________________________________________
'             Illustrating an analogue meter display
'           .. and a 'number of times run' technique.
'       Try this program more than 5 times, or more than 14 days
'           after first-running and it will refuse to run, and
'           delete itself!
'   -------------------------------------------------------------------

    '   It modifies itself.
    '   The same technique can be used to hide data
    '       in any other file in your distribution.
    '   If you modify the *.bas file, expect oddities if
    '       later you try to edit it.. keep a COPY!
    '   Normal use is to modify the *.tkn or (renamed) Run404.exe.

    '   16 bytes are tacked on to the end.
    '   These hold count of times-used
    '       and Date/Timestamp of first run.
    '   Other bytes can be used for say a reg'n number..
    '   Users do not even have a way to know where
    '       the data are hidden.
    '   'Obfuscation' ( cf 'steganography')

    '       has more, if you want to make it tied to a machine ID, ie once run
    '       on one machine it won't run on another.
    '   If they decide to buy a licence you send the owner another LB prog
    '       which takes out the existing checks and put in the hardware ID check.
    '   It will now run freely on their machine, but if copied to another will fail.


    open "MeteredCount.bas" for input as #b
        l        =lof( #b)
        content$ =input$( #b, l)
    close #b

    ID$ =right$( content$, 4)

    if instr( ID$, "JHF") =0 then '   Unaltered file- so add the datestamp and times-used counter & 'JHF'.
        content$ =content$ +"'" +right$( "0000000000000000" +str$( date$( "days")) +"__1" +"JHF", 15)
        open "MeteredCount.bas" for output as #b
            #b, content$;
        close #b
    end if

    open "MeteredCount.bas" for input as #b
        l        =lof( #b)
        content$ =input$( #b, l)
    close #b

    version  =asc( mid$( content$, l -3, 1)) -48
    if version <=5 then
        nv$ =chr$( version +1 +48)
        kill "MeteredCount.bas"
        notice "SORRY!" +chr$( 13) +"Trial limit of runs exceeded!"
    end if

    if date$( "days") >= val( mid$( content$, l -10, 5)) +14 then
        kill "MeteredCount.bas"
        notice "SORRY!" +chr$( 13) +"Trial limit of days exceeded!"
    end if

    content$ =left$( content$, l -4)+ nv$ +right$( content$, 3)

    open "MeteredCount.bas" for output as #b
        #b, content$;
    close #b

    graphicbox #Meter.g,         70,  70, 170,  10
    statictext,  "",  200,  40,  80,  30
    statictext #Meter.st2, "",  100,   2,  80,  30

    open "Progressing analogue display." for window as #Meter

    #Meter, "trapclose [quit]"

    #Meter.g, "down"
    loadbmp "scale", "colours.bmp"
    #Meter.g, "drawbmp scale 0 0"
    #Meter.g, "flush"

    #Meter.st2, "Used "; version; " times."

    for i =0 to 60 step 0.1
        temperature =1 +84 *( 1 +sin( i)), int( temperature); " Celsius"
        #Meter.g, "drawbmp scale 0 0"
        #Meter.g, "place "; temperature; " 0"
        #Meter.g, "backcolor white"
        #Meter.g, "boxfilled 250 40"
        #Meter.g, "flush"
        timer 100, [on]
        timer 0
    next i


'   _______________________________________________________________________
    close #Meter
'           Following line will have the data auto-inserted.
'   In BASIC you see it. But change to tkn/exe form and only a hex
'       editor can see it.
'   _______________________________________________________________________