Displaying messages in Runic.

I thought it would be fun to be able to type messages in runic- on systems without a Runic font.

You should be able to back-translate since I have left the character pair table visible.

LB Code


WindowWidth  =1000
WindowHeight = 800

open "Runes" for graphics_nsb as #wg

#wg "trapclose quit"

#wg "down ; fill 200 200 110"
#wg "up ; goto 0 0"
#wg "down ; box 1000 800"

#wg "up ; goto 300 100"
#wg "down ; font DejaVu_Serif 48 bold italic ; color 255 120 30 ; backcolor 200 200 110"
#wg "\"; "RUNES"

loadbmp "scr", "u4.bmp"

#wg "down"
#wg "drawbmp scr 160 160"
#wg "flush"

dim ch$( 31)
for i =0 to 30
    x =i mod 12
    y =int( i /12)
    #wg "getbmp scr" +right$( "00" +str$( i +1), 2) +" " +str$( int( 180 +x *50)) +" " +str$( int( 163 +80 +y *80)) +" 58 50"
    bmpsave    "scr" +right$( "00" +str$( i +1), 2), "images/runeChar" +right$( "00" +str$( i +1), 2) +".bmp"
next i


for j =1 to len( english$)
    p   =asc( mid$( english$, j, 1)) -64
    if p >=1 then #wg "drawbmp scr" +right$( "00" +str$( p), 2) +" " +str$( 20 +j *39) +" 600"
next j

#wg "flush"
'#wg "print 1000"
#wg "getbmp scr 1 1 1000 800"
bmpsave "scr", "all.bmp"


sub quit h$
    close #h$
end sub

This image needs saving too...