Polyspirals ( a Rosetta Code task.).


One of those graphic exercizes just crying out for clever colour effects..

'A Polyspiral is a spiral made of multiple line segments, whereby each segment is
'   larger (or smaller) than the previous one by a given amount.
'   Each segment also changes direction at a given angle.

'The task: animate a series of polyspirals, by drawing a complete spiral then incrementing the angle,
'   and (after clearing the background) drawing the next, and so on.
'   Every spiral will be a frame of the animation.
'   The animation may stop as it goes full circle or continue indefinitely.
'   The given input values may be varied.


WindowWidth  =500
WindowHeight =500

global sScreens: sScreens =0

open "Polyspiral- let me run for a while!!" for graphics_nsb as #wg

    #wg "trapclose [quit]"
    #wg "down ; fill 180 180 250 ; color darkblue"
    #wg "when leftButtonDown saveScreen"

    incr        =   0.0

    for iteration =0 to 9999

        #wg "cls ; fill 180 180 250"
        R       = iteration mod 256
        G       = 50
        B       = 255 -R
        '#wg "color "; str$( R) +" " +str$( G) +" " +str$( B)

        x1          = 250
        y1          = 250

        incr    = (incr + 0.2) mod 360

        length  = 10
        angle   = incr

        #wg "size 1"

        for i = 1 to 70
            x2          = x1 + cos( angle *3.14159265 /180) * length
            y2          = y1 + sin( angle *3.14159265 /180) * length
            #wg "line "; x1; " "; y1; " "; x2; " "; y2
            #wg "size "; int( 1 +i /5)
            x1          = x2
            y1          = y2
            length      = length + 3
            angle       = ( angle + incr) mod 360
            #wg "color "; rgb$( i)
        next i

        'callDLL #kernel32, "Sleep", 200 as long, ret as void

    next iteration


    function rgb$( i)
        r$ =str$( int( 128 +127 *sin( i *0.12)))
        g$ =str$( int( 128 +127 *sin( i *0.17)))
        b$ =str$( int( 128 +127 *cos( i *0.06)))
        rgb$ =r$ +" " +g$ +" " +b$
    end function

    close #wg

    sub saveScreen h$, x, y
        #wg "getbmp scr 1 1 500 500"
        bmpsave "scr", "poly" +right$( "000" +str$( sScreens), 3) + ".bmp" 'un-rem to save screens
        sScreens    = sScreens +1
    end sub