Mapping metal-detector field data as map overlay.

Just add data at the end and the program maps and colour-codes/annotates each site (whose GPS coordinates have been recorded along with the tentative description/dating). I've simply shifted/scaled the GPS Northings and Eastings so they fit the graphic window I've used. For serious use the map ( I used a Google maps grab) needs to be properly scaled and positioned.

    '   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    '   ++         findsMap5.bas              ++
    '   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


    graphicbox #demo.gb1,       10, 30, 520, 600
    statictext #demo.st1, "ST", 10, 10, 600,  20    '

    WindowWidth  =560
    WindowHeight =710

    open "Archaeological finds map" for window as #demo

    #demo "trapclose [quit]"

    #demo.gb1 "down ; size 1"
    #demo.gb1 "font arial 8 bold"

    loadbmp "map", "map.bmp"
    #demo.gb1 "drawbmp map 0 0"
    #demo.gb1 "flush"

    timer 1000, [moveOn]
    timer 0

    finds   =  9

    pwide   =500
    gwide   =400                                    '
    pbottom =500
    gdown   =450

    read type, gw, gn
    if type =999 and gw =999 and gn =999 then wait

    gpx =int( ( gw -17500) * 7)
    gpy =int( ( gn -90620) * 2)

    #demo.st1, "gpx="; gpx; " gpy= "; gpy; " "; "type = "; type

    #demo.gb1 "place "; gpx; " "; gpy

'   NB '   <<<<< There HAS to be no space before '\' in the following...
    select case type
        case 0
            #demo.gb1 "color 0 0 0 ;   backcolor red ;\+"
        case 1
            #demo.gb1 "color 0 0 255 ; backcolor cyan ;\@"
        case 2
            #demo.gb1 "color cyan ;    backcolor 80 50 255 ;\#"
        case 9
            #demo.gb1 "color 255 100 100 ; circle 1 ; circle 10 ; circle 20"
        case 28
            #demo.gb1 "color white ;   backcolor 80 255 80 ;\N"
    end select

    'timer 200, [continue]                       '   <<<<< Without the delay the screen items are not drawn!
    'timer 0

    goto [getData]

    #demo.gb1 "flush"

    wait  '

[quit]  '
    close #demo  '
    end  '

'Uncorrected gps co-ords finds data ( type, X, Y )

'16 May 14
'AF field data
DATA 0,  17516, 90644    'Thimble Pt
DATA 0,  17531, 90644    'leaf
DATA 0,  17544, 90641    'bullet case end
DATA 28, 17529, 90644    'Naval Button front

'31 May 14
DATA 0,  17527, 90706    'stud
DATA 0,  17526, 90697    'Bottle Top
DATA 0,  17523, 90741    '1d 1924 ?
DATA 0,  17515, 90815    '4h r d Button
DATA 0,  17560, 90690    'Button -loop

'7 June '14
data 1,  17510, 90805   'old ZX81 computer
data 2,  17550, 90710   'cigarette lighter
data 9,  17520, 90660   'ring pull

data 999, 999, 999      '   sentinel to show all data has been read.

As always, feel free to email me for help..