Towers of Hanoi

This is a classic logic problem, fun to program graphically and particularly fun on a real physical set-up. Mine is wooden.

A novice takes time to solve it, given the rules that you can only..

  • -move one disk at a time
  • -only move onto a larger disk
  • However there is a simple solution a novice can be taught in seconds that makes them able to solve it quickly with next to no thought. For the 8 disks shown below you can do it in 256 moves.

        '   **** Recursive Hanoi with GUI *****
        global N, c
        N =8    '   NB stay below 10...
        c =1
        for i =1 to N   '   load peg 1
            peg$( 1) =peg$( 1) +str$( i)
            if i <>N then peg$( 1) =peg$( 1) +","
        next i
        peg$( 2) =""
        peg$( 3) =""
        source$ ="A"
        via$    ="B"
        target$ ="C"
        for i =0 to N
            color$( i) =str$( int( 256 *rnd( 1))) +" " +str$( int( 256 *rnd( 1))) +" " +str$( int( 256 *rnd( 1)))
        next i
        WindowWidth  =630
        WindowHeight =300
        open "Towers of Hanoi- recursively" for graphics_nsb_nf as #w
        #w "trapclose quit"
        #w "down"
        call hanoi N, source$, target$, via$
        call display
        sub hanoi numDisks, source$, target$, via$
            if numDisks =0 then
                exit sub
                call hanoi numDisks -1, source$,   via$,      target$
                print " Peg A =# "; peg$( 1); " #"; tab( 20);  "Peg B =# "; peg$( 2); " #"; tab( 40); "Peg C =# "; peg$( 3); " #"
                print " Move disk "; numDisks; " from peg "; source$; " to peg "; target$
                call display
                beingMoved$ =""
                select case source$
                    case "A"
                        beingMoved$ =word$( peg$( 1), 1, ",")
                        if len( peg$( 1)) <>1 then peg$( 1) =mid$( peg$( 1), instr( peg$( 1), ",") +1) else peg$( 1) =""    '   loses LH term & it is held in beingMoved$
                    case "B"
                        beingMoved$ =word$( peg$( 2), 1, ",")
                        if len( peg$( 2)) <>1  then peg$( 2) =mid$( peg$( 2), instr( peg$( 2), ",") +1) else peg$( 2) =""
                    case "C"
                        beingMoved$ =word$( peg$( 3), 1, ",")
                        if len( peg$( 3)) <>1  then peg$( 3) =mid$( peg$( 3), instr( peg$( 3), ",") +1) else peg$( 3) =""
                end select
                select case target$
                    case "A"
                        if peg$( 1) ="" then peg$( 1) =beingMoved$ else peg$( 1) =beingMoved$ +"," +peg$( 1)  '   gains LH term previously held in beingMoved$
                    case "B"
                        if peg$( 2) ="" then peg$( 2) =beingMoved$ else peg$( 2) =beingMoved$ +"," +peg$( 2)
                    case "C"
                        if peg$( 3) ="" then peg$( 3) =beingMoved$ else peg$( 3) =beingMoved$ +"," +peg$( 3)
                end select
                call hanoi numDisks -1, via$,      target$,   source$
            end if
            end sub
            sub display '   display a disk stack described as say "1,2,3" on peg 1
            #w "cls"
            #w "color 210  50  70"
            #w "place  10 255 ; size 6 ; goto 600 255"
            #w "place 100 255 ; goto 100 100"
            #w "place 300 255 ; goto 300 100"
            #w "place 500 255 ; goto 500 100"
            #w "color black"
            #w "size 2 ; backcolor white"
            #w "place 10 50"
            #w "\ P1 =<"; peg$( 1); ">                                      P2 =<"; peg$( 2); ">                                P3 =<"; peg$( 3); ">"
            for peg =1 to 3   '   draw the disks specified at the three peg positions
                if len( peg$( peg)) <>0 then
                    numDisksHere =0
                    for i =1 to len( peg$( peg))
                        if mid$( peg$( peg), i, 1) ="," then numDisksHere =numDisksHere +1
                    next i
                    numDisksHere =numDisksHere +1
                    #w "backcolor white"
                    #w "place "; 60 +200 *( peg -1); " 20"
                    #w "\ "; numDisksHere; " disks here."
                    for i =0 to numDisksHere -1
                        w =val( word$( peg$( peg), numDisksHere -i, ","))
                        #w "backcolor "; color$( w)
                        #w "place ";     peg *200 -w *8 -100; " "; 250 +( 0 -i) *20
                        #w "boxfilled "; peg *200 +w *8 -100; " "; 250 +( 0 -i) *20 -17
                    next i
                end if
            next peg
            #w "backcolor white"
            '#w "flush"
            '#w "getbmp scr 0 0 630 300"
            'bmpsave "scr", "hanoi"; c; ".bmp"
            'c =c +1
            'unloadbmp "scr"
            'timer 100, [p]
            'timer 0
        end sub
    sub quit a$
        close #a$
    end sub