Fun Geometrical Animations


I saw a nice animated GIF on Facebook/Tumblr and wondered how easy it would be to emulate. This took only an hour or two.

Viewing as LB generates the successive images is a bit slow and flickery unless you have a high-speed setup. I did only a few optimisations to speed it up as I knew I could use ImageMagick to do the work of converting screen images from BMP to animated GIF, deleting the separate images, and then called a web browser to show the animated GIF.

LB Code


<<<<<< Remove the screen-saves and calling ImageMagick and browser if you don't want these parts!!

<<<<<< You'll also need to alter file addresses ( I use Linux and different directories) >>>>>>

<<<<<< I used timers to allow ImageMagick to do its work. Bit ugly. Still it all takes under 2 minutes.


    WindowWidth  =510
    WindowHeight =530

    open "Wavy" for graphics_nsb as #wg

    #wg "trapclose [quit]"

    #wg "down"

    print "Starting image production"

     #wg "cls ; fill 150 200 255"

     for x =1 to 20 step 1
        for y =1 to 20 step 1
            #wg "up ; goto "; 40 +20 *x; " "; 40 +20 *y; " ; down ; color 220 220 220 ; circle 20"
        next y
     next x

     #wg "flush"
     #wg "getbmp scr0 1 1 510 530"
     bmpsave "scr0", "scr00.bmp"
     #wg "color 0 0 255 ; size 8"

     scaler =20 /360

     for phase =0 to 360 step 10
        #wg "down ; drawbmp scr0 1 1 ; flush"

        for x =1 to 20 step 1
            for y =1 to 20 step 1
                call spot x, y, phase +x /scaler +y /scaler
            next y
        next x

        #wg "flush ; getbmp scr 1 1 510 530"
        bmpsave "scr", "scr" +right$( "00" +str$( int( phase /10)), 2) +".bmp"
        print ".";
    next phase

    timer 20000, [on]
        timer 0

    print ""

    command$ ="mogrify -format jpg D:\*.bmp"  'direct fails ( WHY??)
    print command$
    run "cmd.exe /c "; chr$( 34); command$; chr$( 34), HIDE
        '   Give it 60 seconds to execute (may not be enough for large images)
        timer 20000, [on0]
        timer 0

    command$ ="convert -delay 50 D:\*.jpg animSpots.gif"
    print command$
    run "cmd.exe /c "; chr$( 34); command$; chr$( 34), HIDE
        '   Give it 60 seconds to execute (may not be enough for large images)
        timer 60000, [on1]
        timer 0

    'modify following in a loop to remove intermediate bits...
    for i =0 to 36
       kill "D:\scr" +right$( "00" +str$( i), 2) +".bmp"
       print "Deleting "; "scr" +right$( "00" +str$( i), 2) +".bmp"
       kill "D:\scr" +right$( "00" +str$( i), 2) +".jpg"
       print "Deleting "; "scr" +right$( "00" +str$( i), 2) +".jpg"
    next i

    run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe " + chr$(34) + "animSpots.gif" + chr$(34)

    print "Done."


    sub spot x, y, phase
        xs =40 +20 *x +20 *sinrad( phase)
        ys =40 +20 *y +20 *cosrad( phase)
        #wg "set "; xs; " "; ys
    end sub

    function sinrad( th)
        sinrad =sin( th /180 *3.14159265)
    end function

    function cosrad( th)
        cosrad =cos( th /180 *3.14159265)
    end function

        close #wg