Processing drilling bore sample data.

A LB enthusiast wanted to process data files about sample down a bore- these are the kind of thing we endded with.


WindowWidth  = 520
WindowHeight = 700

open "Miner49er" for graphics_nsb as #wg

global assayOpen, lithosOpen

#wg "goto 0 20 ; down ;fill 200 180 170 ; goto 700 20 ; trapclose quit ; flush"

oldLevel = 0
vScale   = 9

open "export_lithos.csv" for input as #lithos
   lithosOpen =1
   while eof( #lithos) =0 and Level <700 /vScale
        line input #lithos, n$
        if word$( n$, 1, ",") ="CSH-11-001" then
            Level =int( 0.5 +val( word$( n$, 2, ",")))
            rockCode$ =word$( n$, 5, ",")
            col$ =lookUp$( rockCode$)
            print Level, rockCode$, col$
            #wg "backcolor "; col$
            #wg "place 20 "; 20 +vScale *oldLevel; " ; boxfilled 50 "; 20 +vScale *Level
            'print "#wg 'place 20 "; 20 +vScale *oldLevel; " ; boxfilled 50 "; 20 +vScale *Level; "'"
            oldLevel =Level
        end if

close #lithos
lithosOpen =0

print: print

Level =0

#wg "color red ; size 4 ; flush ; discard ; down"

open "export_assay.csv" for input as #assay
   assayOpen =1
   while eof( #assay) =0 and Level <700 /vScale
        line input #assay, n$
        if word$( n$, 1, ",") ="CSH-11-001" then
            Level =int( 0.5 +val( word$( n$, 2, ",")))
            Au =val( word$( n$, 5, ","))
            'print "#wg 'set 40 "; 20 +vScale *Level; "'"
            #wg "up ; goto 50 "; 20 +vScale *Level; " ; down ; goto "; 50 +Au *100; "  "; 20 +vScale *Level
        end if
close #assay
assayOpen =0

#wg "flush ; getbmp scr 0 0 519 719"
bmpsave "scr", "Hole CSH-11-001.bmp"

wait    '   _______________________________________________________

function lookUp$( r$)   '   so can colour-code graphic output....
    select case r$
        case " S"
            lookUp$ ="200 200 200"
        case " mC2"
            lookUp$ ="200 100 0"
        case " mC1"
            lookUp$ ="100 200 50"
        case " mAC"
            lookUp$ ="70 120 30"
        case " mC3"
            lookUp$ ="100 0 50"
        'case " mC1"
            'lookUp$ ="50 0 250"
        case else
            lookUp$ ="120 120 190"
    end select
end function

sub quit h$
    close #wg
    if lithosOpen then close #lithos
    if assayOpen  then close #assay
end sub