Spanish <--> English with GUI frontend.

    '   ************************************************************
    '   **                                                        **
    '   **      diccionarioEsEn    Aug  2019  tenochtitlanuk      **
    '   **                 singleScreenVersion                    **
    '   ************************************************************


    '   get dictionary into a string variable so can use instr(

    open "diccionario3.txt" for input as #fIn
        dict$ =input$( #fIn, lof( #fIn))
    close #fIn

    '   file is a  series of words as follows--
    '   line-separator is Linyc chr$( 10)
    '   note 4 ( or 8) leading spaces
    '   spanish word/English def'n/part of speech..m/f..extra comments

    '    LF
    '       corazónLF
    '       the center of an objectLF
    '       {m}LF

    '   Uses 'instr(' to find all occurrences of asn English word in the English part
    '       or Spanish word in the Spanish part...
    '       and shows all matching ones.

    WindowWidth  = 560
    WindowHeight = 660

    statictext #w.st1, "",  90,   5, 300,  40

    texteditor #w.te1,  10,  45, 530, 440

    button     #w.b1, "-Sp2En-->", [S2E],  LR, 150,  70, 140, 35
    button     #w.b2, "-En2Sp-->", [E2S],  LR, 470,  70, 140, 35
    button     #w.b3, "Clear",     [clrE], LR, 300,  70, 110, 35

    open "Translator" for window as #w

    #w     "trapclose quit"
    #w     "font Times_New_Roman 14 bold"
    #w.te1 "!font 8"


        #w.st1 "English"
        #w.te1 "!contents? E$"
        #w.te1 ""

        wordLength  =len( E$)
        E$          =" " +left$( E$, len( E$) -2)   '   look for keyword- leading space so not part of longer word
                                                    '   omit the LF and space..

            i       =instr( dict$, E$, i +1)
            if i =0 then wait
            M$      =mid$( dict$, i +wordLength -1, 1)
            I       =instr( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", M$)
            if I <>0 then goto [N]                  '   we've got back beyond word

            '   text req'd goes back to ''; forward to ''.

            j       =i                              '   don't want he '    '.
          [back0]                                    '   find start of part to print
            j       =j -1
            m$      =mid$( dict$, j, 3)
            if m$ <>"" then [back0]
            j       =j +12

            k       =i
          [fwd0]                                     '   find end of part to print
            k       =k +1
            m$      =mid$( dict$, k, 4)
            if m$ <>"" then [fwd0]

            #w.te1 mid$( dict$, j, k -j)

            if i <>0 then [N]


        #w.st1 "Español"
        #w.te1 "!contents? E$"
        #w.te1 ""

        wordLength  =len( E$)

        E$          =" " +left$( E$, len( E$) -2)   '   look for keyword- leading space so not part of longer word
                                                    '   omit the LF and space..
        if right$( E$, 1) ="." then E$ =left$( E$, len( E$) -1)   '   if terminated by a full stop..

            i       =instr( dict$, E$, i +1)
            if i =0 then wait
            M$      =mid$( dict$, i +wordLength -1, 1)
            I       =instr( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", M$)
            if I <>0 then goto [L]                  '   we've got back beyond word

            '   text req'd goes back to ''; forward to ''.

            j       =i                              '   don't want he '    '.
          [back]                                    '   find start of part to print
            j       =j -1
            m$      =mid$( dict$, j, 3)
            if m$ <>"" then [back]
            j       =j +12

            k       =i
          [fwd]                                     '   find end of part to print
            k       =k +1
            m$      =mid$( dict$, k, 4)
            if m$ <>"" then [fwd]

            #w.te1 mid$( dict$, j, k -j)

            if i <>0 then [L]


    #w.te1 "!cls"
    #w.te1 "!setfocus"

    sub quit h$
        close #h$
    end sub