Colour experiments in LB

I was prompted by Rosetta Code suggested tasks- and natural curiosity- to play with RGB and HSL ways of displaying and specifying colour. It was also related to graphic exercises where I wanted repeated cycling through a range of colours.

Some of the results were unexpected.

Typical LB code

    '   to-do's  step 2 degrees and use fill?
    '            mix radially with r/radius *black ( or white)


    global hdc, col$

    WindowWidth  =600
    WindowHeight =600

    graphicbox, 10, 10, 540, 540

    open "Colour wheel" for window as #w

    h = hwnd(
    calldll #user32, "GetDC", h as ulong, hdc as ulong

    #w "trapclose quit" "down ; fill 0 0 0 ; size 3 ; flush"

    radius =250
    pi     =4 *atn( 1)

    for angle =0 to 359.998 step 0.5
        sector =int( angle /60)
        slope =10 +4 *( angle mod 60)

        select case sector
            case 0
                col$ ="255 " +str$( int( slope)) +" 0"
            case 1
                col$ =str$( int( 256 -slope)) +" 255 0"
            case 2
                col$ ="0 255 " +str$( int( slope))
            case 3
                col$ ="0 "; str$( int( 256 -slope)) +" 255"
            case 4
                col$ =str$( int( slope)) +" 0 255"
            case 5
                col$ ="255 0 " +str$( int( 256 -slope))
        end select

        call bresenham int( 270 +radius *cos( angle /180 *pi)), int( 270 +radius *sin( angle /180 *pi)), 270, 270
    next angle "flush ; getbmp scr 0 0 500 500"
    bmpsave "scr", "colWheel" +str$( time$( "seconds")) +".bmp"


    sub bresenham x1, y1, x2, y2    '    Inputs are x1, y1, x2, y2: destroys value of x1, y1
        'X1 =x1: Y1 =y1
        dx  = abs( x2 - x1): sx = -1: if x1 < x2 then sx = 1
        dy  = abs( y2 - y1): sy = -1: if y1 < y2 then sy = 1

        er  = 0 -dy: if dx > dy then er = dx
        er  = int( er / 2)

        red =val( word$( col$, 1))
        grn =val( word$( col$, 2))
        blu =val( word$( col$, 3))

        R =(( x1 -270)^2 +( y1 -270)^2)^0.5 /256   '   fade components up to full white centre
        redR =int( R *255 +red *( 1 -R))
        grnR =int( R *255 +grn *( 1 -R))
        bluR =int( R *255 +blu *( 1 -R))
        redR =int( ( 1 -R) *255 +red *( R))
        grnR =int( ( 1 -R) *255 +grn *( R))
        bluR =int( ( 1 -R) *255 +blu *( R))
        c$   =str$( redR) +" " +str$( grnR) +" " +str$( bluR)  "color " +c$ "set "; x1; " "; y1


        if ( ( x1 = x2) and ( y1 = y2))                              then exit sub
        if ( ( x2 > 540) or ( x2 < 10) or ( y2 > 540) or ( y2 < 10)) then exit sub    '   should not happen!

        e2  = er

        if ( e2 > 0 -dx) then er = ( er - dy): x1 = ( x1 + sx)
        if ( e2 <    dy) then er = ( er + dx): y1 = ( y1 + sy)
        goto [more]

    end sub

    function getPixel( x, y)
        calldll #gdi32, "GetPixel", hdc as ulong, x as long, y as long, pixcol as ulong
        getPixel =pixcol
    end function

    sub quit h$
        close #h$
        calldll #user32, "ReleaseDC", hw as ulong, hdc as ulong   'release the DC
    end sub

    '   **    colourWheelRethink2.bas   ***

    '   **    raster scan resulting image and calculate angle and radius to find appropriate colour RGB components


    global hdc, col$, pi
    pi           =4 *atn( 1)
    ptSize       =1

    WindowWidth  =600
    WindowHeight =600

    graphicbox, 10, 10, 540, 540

    open "Colour wheel" for window as #w

    h       =hwnd(
    calldll #user32, "GetDC", h as ulong, hdc as ulong

    #w "trapclose quit" "down ; fill white ; size "; ptSize; " ; font Ubuntu_Mono 12" "when leftButtonDown [getPixel]"

    radius  =250

    for x =0 to 518 step ptSize
        for y =0 to 520 step ptSize
            angle   =atan2( y -250, x -250) *360 / 2 /pi        '   Angle in degrees round full circle....
            sector  =int( angle /60)                            '       ...split into six 60 degree sectors, labelled 0 to 5
            slope   =( angle mod 60) /60 *255                   '       ...and each split into 1 degree sectors.

            select case sector
                case 0
                    col$    ="255 ";                    str$( int( slope));      "   0"
                case 1
                    col$    =str$( int( 256 -slope)); " 255                          0"
                case 2
                    col$    ="0                         255 ";                     str$( int( slope))
                case 3
                    col$    ="0 ";                      str$( int( 256 -slope)); " 255"
                case 4
                    col$    =str$( int( slope));    "     0                        255"
                case 5
                    col$    ="255                         0 ";                     str$( int( 256 -slope))
            end select

            red     =val( word$( col$, 1)): grn =val( word$( col$, 2)): blu =val( word$( col$, 3))

            R       =( ( x -270)^2 +( y -270)^2)^0.5 /250

            redR    =R *int( red): grnR =R *int( grn): bluR =R *int( blu)     '   fade to rim black

   "color "; str$( redR) +" " +str$( grnR) +" " +str$( bluR)
            if R >1 then "color white"
   "set "; x; " "; y
        next y
    next x "flush ; getbmp scr 0 0 540 540"
    bmpsave "scr", "colWheelToRimWhiteNoFade.bmp"


    xx      =MouseX
    yy      =MouseY
    calldll #gdi32, "GetPixel", hdc as ulong, xx as long, yy as long, pixcol as ulong "up ; goto 20 20 ; down ; color black" "\ " +right$( "          " +str$( pixcol), 10) +" "

    sub quit h$
        close #h$
        calldll #user32, "ReleaseDC", hw as ulong, hdc as ulong   'release the DC
    end sub

function atan2( y, x)
    result$     ="Undetermined"
    If ( x =0) and ( y >0) then atan2 = pi /2:      result$ ="Determined"
    if ( x =0) and ( y <0) then atan2 =3 * pi /2:   result$ ="Determined"
    if ( x >0) and ( y =0) then atan2 =0:           result$ ="Determined"
    if ( x <0) and ( y =0) then atan2 =pi:          result$ ="Determined"

    If result$ <>"Determined" then
        if x =0 and y =0 then
            atan2 =0
            baseAngle =atn( abs( y) /abs( x))
            If ( x >0) and ( y >0) then atan2 =       baseAngle
            If ( x <0) and ( y >0) then atan2 = pi   -baseAngle
            If ( x <0) and ( y <0) then atan2 = pi   +baseAngle
            If ( x >0) and ( y <0) then atan2 = 2*pi -baseAngle
        end if
    end if
end function

    '   to-do's  step 2 degrees and use fill?
    '            mix radially with r/radius *black ( or white)


    global hdc, col$

    WindowWidth  =600
    WindowHeight =600

    graphicbox, 10, 10, 540, 540

    open "Colour wheel" for window as #w

    h = hwnd(
    calldll #user32, "GetDC", h as ulong, hdc as ulong

    #w "trapclose quit" "down ; fill 0 0 0 ; size 3 ; flush"

    radius =250
    pi     =4 *atn( 1)

    for angle =0 to 359.998 step 0.5
        sector =int( angle /60)
        slope =10 +4 *( angle mod 60)

        select case sector
            case 0
                col$ ="255 " +str$( int( slope)) +" 0"
            case 1
                col$ =str$( int( 256 -slope)) +" 255 0"
            case 2
                col$ ="0 255 " +str$( int( slope))
            case 3
                col$ ="0 "; str$( int( 256 -slope)) +" 255"
            case 4
                col$ =str$( int( slope)) +" 0 255"
            case 5
                col$ ="255 0 " +str$( int( 256 -slope))
        end select

        call bresenham int( 270 +radius *cos( angle /180 *pi)), int( 270 +radius *sin( angle /180 *pi)), 270, 270
    next angle "flush ; getbmp scr 0 0 500 500"
    bmpsave "scr", "colWheel" +str$( time$( "seconds")) +".bmp"


    sub bresenham x1, y1, x2, y2    '    Inputs are x1, y1, x2, y2: destroys value of x1, y1
        'X1 =x1: Y1 =y1
        dx  = abs( x2 - x1): sx = -1: if x1 < x2 then sx = 1
        dy  = abs( y2 - y1): sy = -1: if y1 < y2 then sy = 1

        er  = 0 -dy: if dx > dy then er = dx
        er  = int( er / 2)

        red =val( word$( col$, 1))
        grn =val( word$( col$, 2))
        blu =val( word$( col$, 3))

        R =(( x1 -270)^2 +( y1 -270)^2)^0.5 /256   '   fade components up to full white centre
        redR =int( R *255 +red *( 1 -R))
        grnR =int( R *255 +grn *( 1 -R))
        bluR =int( R *255 +blu *( 1 -R))
        redR =int( ( 1 -R) *255 +red *( R))
        grnR =int( ( 1 -R) *255 +grn *( R))
        bluR =int( ( 1 -R) *255 +blu *( R))
        c$   =str$( redR) +" " +str$( grnR) +" " +str$( bluR)  "color " +c$ "set "; x1; " "; y1


        if ( ( x1 = x2) and ( y1 = y2))                              then exit sub
        if ( ( x2 > 540) or ( x2 < 10) or ( y2 > 540) or ( y2 < 10)) then exit sub    '   should not happen!

        e2  = er

        if ( e2 > 0 -dx) then er = ( er - dy): x1 = ( x1 + sx)
        if ( e2 <    dy) then er = ( er + dx): y1 = ( y1 + sy)
        goto [more]

    end sub

    function getPixel( x, y)
        calldll #gdi32, "GetPixel", hdc as ulong, x as long, y as long, pixcol as ulong
        getPixel =pixcol
    end function

    sub quit h$
        close #h$
        calldll #user32, "ReleaseDC", hw as ulong, hdc as ulong   'release the DC
    end sub

HSV versus RGB

The only thing to remember is that hue varies 0 to 360, while saturation and value are between 0 and 0.9999.

Works nicely with LB graphic commands and with LB Bresenham routine ( see RC) you can draw very easily lines from A to B whose colour varies along their length.


    global pi, col$: pi   =3.14158265

    WindowWidth     =570
    WindowHeight    =600
    UpperLeftX      =int( ( DisplayWidth  -WindowWidth)  /2)
    UpperLeftY      =int( ( DisplayHeight -WindowHeight) /2)

    graphicBox #w.g, 9, 9, 537, 537

    open "Ring fade demo" for window as #w

    #w   "trapClose quit"

    #w.g "down; fill darkblue ; goto 267 267"
    #w.g "size 2"

    for R =1 to 255 step 0.25
        call hsv2rgb R, 0.49, 0.79    '   hue, saturation, value
        #w.g "color "; col$
        #w.g  "circle "; R
    next R

    #w.g "getbmp scr 1 1 537 537"
    bmpsave "scr", "ring" +str$( time$( "seconds")) +".bmp"


    sub hsv2rgb h, s, v '                       hue 0-360, saturation 0-1, value 0-1
        c   =v *s       '                           chroma
        h   =h
        x   =c *( 1 -abs( ( ( h /60) mod 2) -1))
        m   =v -c   '                               matching adjustment

        select case
            case h < 60
                r = c: g = x: b = 0
            case h <120
                r = x: g = c: b = 0
            case h <180
                r = 0: g = c: b = x
            case h <240
                r = 0: g = x: b = c
            case h <300
                r = x: g = 0: b = c
            case else
                r = c: g = 0: b = x
        end select

        rd      = abs( int( 256 *( r + m)))
        gn      = abs( int( 256 *( g + m)))
        bu      = abs( int( 256 *( b + m)))
        col$    =right$( "  " +str$( rd), 3) +" " +right$( "   " +str$( gn), 3) +" " +right$( "   " +str$( bu), 3)

    end sub

    sub quit handle$
        close #w
    end sub

Using sequential colours


    global col$, i

    i            = 0

    WindowWidth  = 1200
    WindowHeight =  700

    menu #wg, "File", "Save", [save], "Reverse", [reverse]

    open "The tooth(paste) fairy paints again!!" for graphics_nsb as #wg

    #wg "when leftButtonMove [paint]"
    #wg "down ; fill 40 40 40 ; backcolor 40 40 40 ; size 30"

        #wg "set "; MouseX; " "; MouseY
        i           =( i + 1) mod 360
        'call hsv2rgb i, 0.99, 0.99
        call sinRGB 1, 2.3, 3.7
        #wg "color "; col$
        'print col$
  #wg "getbmp scr 0 0 1200 700"
  bmpsave "scr", "message" +str$( time$( "seconds")) +".bmp"

  incr =-1 *incr

    sub sinRGB u, v, w
        rd = int( 128 +127 *sinRad( u *i))
        gn = int( 128 +127 *sinRad( v *i))
        bu = int( 128 +127 *sinRad( w *i))
        col$    =right$( "  " +str$( rd), 3) +" " +right$( "   " +str$( gn), 3) +" " +right$( "   " +str$( bu), 3)
    end sub

    sub hsv2rgb h, s, v '                       hue 0-360, saturation 0-1, value 0-1
        c   =v *s       '                           chroma
        h   =h
        x   =c *( 1 -abs( ( ( h /60) mod 2) -1))
        m   =v -c   '                               matching adjustment

        select case
            case h < 60
                r = c: g = x: b = 0
            case h <120
                r = x: g = c: b = 0
            case h <180
                r = 0: g = c: b = x
            case h <240
                r = 0: g = x: b = c
            case h <300
                r = x: g = 0: b = c
            case else
                r = c: g = 0: b = x
        end select

        rd      = abs( int( 256 *( r + m)))
        gn      = abs( int( 256 *( g + m)))
        bu      = abs( int( 256 *( b + m)))
        col$    =right$( "  " +str$( rd), 3) +" " +right$( "   " +str$( gn), 3) +" " +right$( "   " +str$( bu), 3)
        'print col$
    end sub

    function getPixel( x, y)
        calldll #gdi32, "GetPixel", hdc as ulong, x as long, y as long, pixcol as ulong
        getPixel =pixcol
    end function

    function sinRad( t)
        sinRad =sin( t *3.114159265 /180)
    end function

tenochtitlanuk ------- JohnF ------ Apr 2020 ------ mr dot john dot f at