Tenniel's Cheshire Cat- updated!

Bring in random pixels from the second version until essentially equal to it, then fade back to the original. Save frames and make an animated GIF!


WindowWidth  = 500
WindowHeight = 700

open "Miaow" for graphics_nsb as #wg

#wg "trapclose quit"

loadbmp "scr1", "minusCat1.bmp"
#wg "drawbmp scr1 10  10 ; flush"
loadbmp "scr2", "plusCat1.bmp"
#wg "drawbmp scr2 10 350 ; flush"
#wg "down"

for i =1 to 500
    sx  =int( 520 *rnd( 1))
    sy  =int( 300 *rnd( 1))
    #wg "getbmp  scr3 "; sx; " "; sy +350; " 20 20"
    #wg "drawbmp scr3 "; sx; " "; sy
    #wg "flush"
next i


sub quit h$
    close #wg
end sub