Yin and Yang

Rosetta Code task- "Create a function that given a variable representing size, generates a Yin and yang also known as a Taijitu symbol scaled to that size. Generate and display the symbol generated for two different (small) sizes. Rosetta Code, Yin & Yang

Generalised to give colour options, and callable as a function, see second version below.....

Note that the first version uses the less efficient up -goto -down, while the second uses 'place'. (Thanks, Stefan) and replaces the boxfilled with piefilled, allowing more than one YinYang to be placed on a window ( thanks Alyce!).


    WindowWidth  =410
    WindowHeight =440

    open "Yin & Yang" for graphics_nf_nsb as #w

    #w "trapclose [quit]"

    call YinYang 200, 200, 200
    call YinYang 120,  50,  50


    sub YinYang x, y, size

    #w "up ; goto "; x; " "; y
    #w "backcolor black ; color black"
    #w "down ; circlefilled "; size /2

    #w "color 255 255 255 ; backcolor 255 255 255"
    #w "up   ; goto ";      x -size /2; " "; y -size /2
    #w "down ; boxfilled "; x;          " "; y +size /2

    #w "up ; goto "; x; " "; y -size /4
    #w "down ; backcolor black ; color black   ; circlefilled "; size  /4
    #w "up ; goto "; x; " "; y -size /4
    #w "down ; backcolor white ; color white ; circlefilled "; size /12

    #w "up ; goto "; x; " "; y +size /4
    #w "down ; backcolor white ; color white ; circlefilled "; size  /4
    #w "up ; goto "; x; " "; y +size /4
    #w "down ; backcolor black ; color black ; circlefilled "; size /12

    #w "up ; goto "; x; " "; y
    #w "down ; color black ; circle "; size /2

    #w "flush"

    end sub



    close #w

Version 2


    WindowWidth  =410
    WindowHeight =440

    open "Yin & Yang" for graphics_nf_nsb as #w

    #w "trapclose [quit]"

    #w "down"

    for i =1 to 100
        x     =20 +400 *rnd( 1)
        y     =20 +400 *rnd( 1)
        size  =20 + 50 *rnd( 1)

        r     =int( 256 *rnd( 1))
        g     =int( 256 *rnd( 1))
        b     =int( 256 *rnd( 1))
        c1$   =str$( r)      +" " +str$( g)      +" " +str$( b)
        c2$   =str$( 255 -r) +" " +str$( 255 -g) +" " +str$( 255 -b)

        call YinYang x, y, size, c1$, c2$
    next i

    '   ________________________________________________________________

    sub YinYang x, y, size, c1$, c2$

    #w "place "; x; " "; y
    #w "backcolor ";  c1$; " ; color ";  c1$
    #w "circlefilled "; size /2

    #w "color "; c2$; " ; backcolor "; c2$
    #w "piefilled "; size; " "; size; " 90 180"

    #w "rule ";  _R2_COPYPEN
    #w "place "; x; " "; y -size /4
    #w "backcolor ";  c1$; " ; color ";  c1$; " ; circlefilled "; size  /4

    #w "place "; x; " "; y -size /4
    #w "backcolor ";  c2$; " ; color ";  c2$; " ; circlefilled "; size /12

    #w "place "; x; " "; y +size /4
    #w "backcolor ";  c2$; " ; color ";  c2$; " ; circlefilled "; size  /4

    #w "place "; x; " "; y +size /4
    #w "backcolor ";  c1$; " ; color ";  c1$; " ; circlefilled "; size /12

    #w "place "; x; " "; y
    #w "color black ; circle "; size /2

    #w "flush"

    end sub



    close #w