Sierpinski curves



Code- one of many versions.

You specify the axiom and rule and angle, and it iteratively creates the long string of moves to be drawn,

    'QO fractal generator version f


    UpperLeftX   =  10
    UpperLeftY   =   2
    WindowWidth  =1020
    WindowHeight = 730

    textbox    #w.text,      2,   2,1000,  30
    graphicbox #w.graphic,   2,  40,1000, 550
    texteditor #w.tedit,     2, 600,1000, 200

    button     #w.b, "Draw", [doit], UL, 930, 50, 50, 30

    open "QO Fractal Generator" for window_nf as #w

    #w         "trapclose quit"
    #w.graphic "size 2 ; color black ; cls ; fill darkblue"
    #w         "font courier_new 8"

    'axiom$    =       "F"
    axiom$    =        "F"
    rule$     =       "F-F++F-F"
    'rule$     =        "F-F+F+F-F"
    n         =        0
    pi        =        4 *atn( 1)
    angle     =       60 *pi /180
    'angle     =       90 *pi /180

        n =n +1
        if n >7 then call quit h$

        totalx    =        0
        totaly    =        0
        newrule$  =       ""
        direction =        0    '   NB in RADIANS

        state =1

        #w.tedit "Iteration # ";
        #w.tedit  n;
        #w.tedit " & rule = "

        l   =len( axiom$)

        for k =1 to l /128
            #w.tedit mid$( axiom$, k, 128)
        next k

        for i =1 to len( axiom$)
            ch$ =mid$( axiom$, i, 1)

            select case ch$
            case "+"
                direction =direction +angle
                newrule$  =newrule$  +"+"
            case "-"
                direction =direction -angle
                newrule$  =newrule$  +"-"
            case "F"
                newrule$ =newrule$ +rule$
                totalx   = totalx +cos( direction)
                totaly   = totaly +sin( direction)
            end select
        next i

        op$ ="Total x = " +str$( int( totalx)) +"   & total y = " +str$( int( totaly))
        #w.text op$

        ste =440 /totalx
        xx =10: yy =250: direction =0

        #w.graphic "cls ; fill darkblue"
        #w.graphic "up ; goto  20 500 ; down ; north; turn 90"
        '#w.graphic "color "; str$( 40 +30 *n); " "; str$( 40 +30 *n); " 50"
        'if state =1 then state =0 else state =1
        #w.graphic "color "; word$( "black white", state +1)
        #w.graphic "size "; 1 +2 *( 7 -n)

        for i =1 to len( axiom$)

            in$ =mid$( axiom$, i, 1)

            select case in$
                case "F"
                    xx =xx +ste *cos( direction)
                    yy =yy +ste *sin( direction)
                case "+"
                    direction =direction +angle
                case "-"
                    direction =direction -angle
            end select

            #w.graphic "goto "; str$( int( 2 *xx)); " "; str$( 2 *int( yy))


            #w.graphic "flush ; getbmp scr 0 0 1000 550"
            bmpsave "scr", "IFSrule" +rule$ +str$( n) +".bmp"
        next i

        axiom$ =newrule$

        timer 1000, [o]
        timer 0

        sub quit h$
            close #w
        end sub

We've had several visits to this, including for Rosetta Code. There are three variations that produce the same figure but in very different ways.

Draw scaled and moved triangles

Do by IFS ( iterated file function system)

Draw as a single non-imtersecting line curve.

While I've coded all ways, this is the latter one. Was writing in LB5 on Linux and found one or two glitches.

I was particularly pleased by the graphic created by overlaying each iteration in a different colour and with thinner lines to match the greater resolution. Worth watching it ruin!


'   ***********************************************************************
'   **                                                                   **
'   **    sierpinskiArrow2alteredHoriz.bas   tenochtitlanuk   24/06/30   **
'   **                                                                   **
'   ***********************************************************************


global pi, TX, TY, Ttheta

TX =400: TY =350: Ttheta =0 '   screen centre, pointing North/up.   '   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
pi =4 *atn( 1)

WindowWidth  = 760
WindowHeight = 900

open "Sierpinski arrowhead" for graphics_nsb as #wg

#wg "trapclose quit"
#wg "color cyan ; font Arial bold 18"
#wg "cls ; down ; fill blue ; backcolor blue ; flush"

'width =11

for i =0 to 11
    '#wg "cls ; down ; fill blue ; backcolor blue ; flush"   '   rem this line to see each iteration on its own...
    #wg  "color "; word$( "red,white,yellow,180 180 80,brown,cyan,darkcyan,130 255 120,131 130 255,darkgray,darkgreen,darkpink,darkred,green,lightgray,palegray,pink,blue", i +1, ",")
    #wg "up ; goto 20 "; 30 +20 * i; " ; down"
    #wg "\order "; i
    #wg "size "; max( 1, 41 -5 *i)
    TX =710: TY =850: Ttheta =-90
    call SierpinskiArrowhead i, 800 '   order, length
    #wg "flush"
    #wg "getbmp scr 0 0 1400 900"
    'bmpsave "scr", "scr3/SierpinskiArrow" +str$( i) +".bmp"
    call Sleep 2000
next i
sub quit h$
    close #wg
end sub

sub Sleep ms
    timer ms, [k]
    timer 0
end sub

sub SierpinskiArrowhead order, length
    if ( order and 1) =0 then    ' order is even..
        call curve order, length, 60
        call turn -60
        call curve order, length, 60
    end if
end sub

sub curve order, length, angle
    if order =0 then
        '#wg "go "; length
        call forward length
        '#wg "turn " +str$( angle)
        call curve order -1, length /2, 0 -angle
        call turn angle
        call curve order -1, length /2, 0 +angle
        '#wg "turn " +str$( angle)
        call turn angle
        call curve order -1, length /2, 0 -angle
    end if
end sub

                                           '   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    function sinRad( a)
        sinRad =sin( a *pi /180)
    end function

    function cosRad( a)
        cosRad =cos( a *pi /180)
    end function

    sub draw lifted, x, y
        if lifted =0 then #wg "up" else #wg "down"
        #wg "line "; TX; " "; TY; " "; x; " "; y
        Ttheta  =atan2( x -TX, TY -y) *180 /pi  '   NB DEGREES.
        TX      =x
        TY      =y
    end sub

    sub turn angle  '   increment/update global turtle direction ( in DEGREES)
        Ttheta =( Ttheta +angle)
        if Theta <0 then Ttheta =Ttheta +360
        Ttheta =Ttheta mod 360
    end sub

    sub forward s
        dx =s *cosRad( Ttheta)
        dy =s *sinRad( Ttheta)
        #wg "down ; line "; TX; " "; TY; " "; TX +dx; " "; TY +dy; " ; up"
        TX =TX +dx
        TY =TY +dy
    end sub

    function atan2( x, y)
        Result$ = "Undetermined"
        If ( x = 0) and ( y > 0) Then atan2 = pi / 2:     Result$ = "Determined"
        If ( x = 0) and ( y < 0) Then atan2 = 3 * pi / 2: Result$ = "Determined"
        If ( x > 0) and ( y = 0) Then atan2 = 0:          Result$ = "Determined"
        If ( x < 0) and ( y = 0) Then atan2 = pi:         Result$ = "Determined"
        If Result$ = "Determined" Then [End.of.function]
        BaseAngle = Atn( abs( y) /abs( x))
        If (x > 0) and (y > 0) Then atan2 =        BaseAngle
        If (x < 0) and (y > 0) Then atan2 = pi    -BaseAngle
        If (x < 0) and (y < 0) Then atan2 = pi    +BaseAngle
        If (x > 0) and (y < 0) Then atan2 = 2*pi  -BaseAngle
    end function
                                                               '   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<