Advantages of using an array to store an image and manipulate it

example images

Why do this?

LB has had no getpixel function, and drawing pixel by pixel is also slow- an inevitable penalty of how images are stored and manipulated in Windows.

My first HOME computing experience was with early BASIC on RCA1802 chips and then on a Commodore PET. We could PEEK and POKE any location in our meagre RAM storage. A section, say 320x240, was also readable every say 1/50 sec by a display chip and sent to the screen modulater and hence to a TV. The microprocesser ran at say 1 MHz. The BASIC interpreter could set points on the screen quite fast, despite being 18 bit and 5000 times slower than present day machines. The screen refresh took exactly the same time whether pixels had been changed or not. Screen was simple memory- read and write it as fast as you can...

Particular fun could be had by pointing the display chip to a different address for use as screen display. Low memory had interesting things going on with keyboard buffers and timer which became visible on screen as they changed... And there was no protection of memory areas- you could crash a running machine easily by POKEing important memory locations.

As machine architecture advanced and speeds increased, we got more sophisticated situations- not necessarily to the advantage of coding languages. Nowadays, when you set a pixel it is changed in an area that will be later read and displayed- but ALL of an array has to be read and displayed at every screen refresh, even if only one pixel has changed. And reading/writing pixels is slowed by this, and also by having such a big range of colours.

Setting pixels in a graphic.

Look how long it takes to set all pixels of a 400x400 image to black, one at a time!


    WindowWidth  =420
    WindowHeight =444

    open "Slow 'set' of pixels" for graphics_nsb as #wg

    #wg "trapclose [quit]"

    #wg "down"

    now =time$( "seconds")

    for y =1 to 400
        for x =1 to 400
            #wg "set "; 2 +x; " "; 2 +y
        next x
    next y

    #wg "up ; goto 100 100 ; down"
    #wg "backcolor white ; color black"
    #wg "\ "; str$( time$( "seconds") -now); " seconds. "
    #wg "getbmp scr 1 1 420 420"
    bmpsave "scr", "LBsetPixel.bmp"


    close #wg

Reading pixels from a graphic in native LB code. Method 1

Look how long it takes to read all pixels of a 400x400 image! Here I use the method of saving each pixel to a file and reading the BGR components' this method works in LB and in JB.


    WindowWidth  =415
    WindowHeight =432

    open "Slow 'read' of pixels with native LB" for graphics_nsb as #wg

    #wg "trapclose [quit]"

    #wg "down"

    loadbmp "scr", "Liberty_400x400.bmp"
    #wg "drawbmp scr 2 2"
    #wg "flush"

    now =time$( "seconds")

    for y =1 to 400
        print y
        for x =1 to 400
            dummy$  =getPixel$( x, y)
        next x
    next y

    #wg "up ; goto 100 100 ; down"
    #wg "backcolor white ; color black"
    #wg "\ "; str$( time$( "seconds") -now); " seconds. "
    #wg "getbmp scr 1 1 420 420"
    bmpsave "scr", "LBnativeGetPixel.bmp"


    function getPixel$( x, y)
        #wg "getbmp scr "; x; " "; y; " 1 1"
        bmpsave "scr", "scr.bmp"

        open "scr.bmp" for input as #fIn
            contents$ =input$( #fIn, lof( #fIn))
            blue  =asc( mid$( contents$, 67, 1))
            green =asc( mid$( contents$, 68, 1))
            red   =asc( mid$( contents$, 69, 1))
        close #fIn

        getPixel$ =str$( blue) +" " +str$( green) +" " +str$( red)

    end function

    close #wg

Method indexing into loaded image info.

This method loads the whole source BMP into memory as an array, and indexes into it to read the pixel colour triads. It writes output images from the array.

The method works with BMP files, but there are about 8 variations on these, and you have to parse the preface section to locate the data, and be aware that image widths other than three introduce padding bytes that you have to allow for. This is perfectly do-able BUT it is easier to arrange for source files to have widths which are a multiple of four, and are saved as 24 bit without colour information! Load them in your painting application- ( GIMP for me) and re-save as a BMP file, 24 bit.

However, MUCH easier is the ppm P6 format. This has all the pixel data as consecutive rows of colour triads. You just jump to this past a few preamble bytes- done with a single 'word$()' line!


LB's method, calling a dll.

This method relies on LB's ability to call a dll to read an image's pixel values. It therefore can't be used in JB.


    WindowWidth  =415
    WindowHeight =432

    open "Slow 'read' of pixels with native LB" for graphics_nsb as #wg

    handle =hwnd( #wg)
    calldll #user32, "GetDC", handle as ulong, hDC as ulong
    #wg "trapclose [quit]"

    #wg "down"

    loadbmp "scr", "Liberty_400x400.bmp"
    #wg "drawbmp scr 2 2"
    #wg "flush"

    now =time$( "seconds")

    for y =1 to 400
        print y
        for x =1 to 400
            dummy$  =getPixel$( x, y)
        next x
    next y

    #wg "up ; goto 100 100 ; down"
    #wg "backcolor white ; color black"
    #wg "\ "; str$( time$( "seconds") -now); " seconds. "
    #wg "getbmp scr 1 1 420 420"
    bmpsave "scr", "LBdllGetPixel.bmp"


    function getPixel$( x, y)
        calldll #gdi32, "GetPixel", hDC as ulong, v as long, yy as long,  pixcol as long

        blue  = int(  pixcol /( 256*256))
        green = int( (pixcol               -bl *256*256) / 256)
        red   = int(  pixcol               -bl *256*256 - gr *256)

        getPixel$ =str$( blue) +" " +str$( green) +" " +str$( red)
    end function

    callDll #user32, "ReleaseDC", h as ulong, hDC as ulong, result as ushort
    close #wg

The array method

By storing pixel data as a two-dimensional array of RGB triads, you can read/write pixel by pixel very quickly. Faster than calling a dll or saving and reading one-pixel files! You need your own routines to replace set, line and circle, but now have fast routines do do their job, and a fast getpixel as a bonus. You can also save easily to bmp or ppm.

This is also the basis of a quicker method of reading pixels- treat the whole image as a file and index into it to find a pixel's BGR values.

By implementing Breseham's technique to fit lines between points, it becomes easy also to fit quadratic and cubic Bezier curves. This enabled me to write solutions to half a dozen Rosetta Code tasks.

The method comes into its own if you want to step beyond setting points and straight lines and circles, especially if you want very large images..

I really need now to add a fill routine! Doing fills in LB is painfully slow- you really HAVE to use the dll method. And fills need you to know a point to start from that is inside your chosen figure...


I was able to take a BMP image and swap R and B components, or replace RBG with GreyGreyGrey, or 'vignette' all within a circle in seconds. Just writing pixels with 'set' takes MUCH longer.

Loading the first, pre-drawn image, and producing two variants now takes only seconds..

The following code is an example from when I was developing these ideas. Will replace with a zip file of some more streamlined examples...

     '  *************************************************************************
     '  **                                                                     **
     '  **       new10.bas           Nov 28 2020          tenochtitlanuk       **
     '  **                                                                     **
     '  **   Makes various computer-generated figures as bmp and as ppm files. **
     '  **                                                                     **
     '  *************************************************************************
     '  To-dos...
     '      Add readBmp sub to read a 24 bit bmp into the array and set Width nd Height
     '      Add swapRGB sub to swap order of r g and b
     '      Add toGreyscale to change to a b&w brightness image
     '      Add routines like vignette, swirl, waver...
      global Width, Height, CR$, pi, DS$
      Width     =402    '   so Width +1 pixels
      Height    =433    '   by Height+1 pixels
      CR$       =chr$( 10)
      pi        =4 *atn( 1)
      dim Pix$( Width +1, Height +1)                          '   set up local pixel arrays Pix$( x, y) holding 'RGB' as 3 bytes)
      dim Pix( 2000), Piy( 2000)                              '   to hold values in subs
      ' colour gradient background
      for y =0 to Height
        for x =0 to Width
            p   =int( (x *y /10) mod 255)
            Pix$( x, y) =chr$(  p) +chr$( 0) +chr$( 255 -p)   '   in R G B order
        next x
      next y
      call savePpm "colourGrad"
      call saveBmp "colourGrad"
      call fill 255, 255,  80
      for K =250 to 40 step -5
          call bresenham 10, 100,   250, K,     0, 0, 255
      next K
      call savePpm "BresenhamLines"
      call saveBmp "BresenhamLines"
      call fill 255,  80, 255
      for RR =10 to 150 step 10
          call circle 200, 200, RR, 0, 255, 0
      next RR
      call savePpm "circles"
      call saveBmp "circles"
      call fill 0, 0, 200
      radius  =100
      Ra      = 60
       for theta =0 to 4 *pi step 0.0003
         Xc      =int( radius *sin( theta) +300.5)
         Yc      =int( radius *cos( theta) +150.5)
         radius  =Ra *( 2 +sin( theta *5.1))
         Ra      =Ra *0.999999
         call setpixel Xc, Yc, 0, 255, 255
       next theta
      call savePpm "wavyCircles"
      call saveBmp "wavyCircles"
      call fill 10, 80, 80
      for y =10 to 300 step 10
        call bezierquad 10, 100,  250, 270,  250, y,   40,    255, 255, 255
      next y
      call savePpm "BezierQuad"
      call saveBmp "BezierQuad"
      call fill 10, 189, 80
      for y =10 to 300 step 10
        call beziercubic  160, 250,    200, y,      230,   100,      20, 10,     60
      next y
      call savePpm "BezierCubic"
      call saveBmp "BezierCubic"
      'call histogramAndBandW   '   N/A
        '''call savePpm "Pf"
        'notice "Done!"
    '   ________________________________________________________________________
    sub fill r, g, b
      for y =0 to Height
        for x =0 to Width
            Pix$( x, y) =chr$( r) +chr$( g) +chr$( b)
        next x
      next y
    end sub
    sub setpixel x, y,   r, g, b
      if x >=0 and x <=Width and y >=0 and y <=Height then Pix$( x, y) =chr$( r) +chr$( g) +chr$( b)
    end sub
    sub savePpm n$
        'Save as a ppm file . . .
        print "Saving "; n$; ".ppm"
        open n$ +".ppm" for output as #fOut
            print #fOut, "P6"                                       +CR$;
            print #fOut, "# Created by Liberty BASIC"               +CR$;
            print #fOut, str$( Width +1)  +" " +str$( Height +1)    +CR$;
            print #fOut, "255"                                      +CR$;
            for y =Height to 0 step -1
                for x =0 to Width
                    print #fOut, Pix$( x, y);   '   ie in R G B  order..
                next x
            next y
        close #fOut
    end sub
    sub saveBmp fn$                        '    needs global Width, Height and array of pixels Pix$( Width +1, Height +1)
            w           =Width  +1
            h           =Height +1

            open fn$ +".bmp" for output as #bmp

            filetype$   ="BM"
            reserved$   =FourByteString$(  0)
            offset$     =FourByteString$( 54)
            bmpheader$  =FourByteString$( 40)
            width$      =FourByteString$( w)
            height$     =FourByteString$( h)
            last        =( w *3) mod 4                  '   find how many of the last 4 bytes are already used
            pad         =4 -last                            '       and thus how many to add
            filesize    =54 +( w +pad) *3 *h       '   ie header ( 54 bytes) +bitmapdata ( calculated).
            filesize$   =FourByteString$( filesize)
            #bmp filetype$ +filesize$ +reserved$ +offset$;

            planes$     =chr$(  1) +chr$( 0)
            bits$       =chr$( 24) +chr$( 0)                '   data stored in triple-bytes, 8 bits per colour.
            compression$=FourByteString$( 0)
            ignore$     =FourByteString$( 0) +FourByteString$( 0) +FourByteString$( 0) +FourByteString$( 0)
            bmpsize$    =FourByteString$( filesize)
            #bmp bmpheader$ +width$ +height$ +planes$ +bits$ +compression$ +bmpsize$ +ignore$;  '   <<<<<<

            for y =0 to Height
                bytes   =0
                for x =0 to Width                     '   data is  B G R  pixels.
                    #bmp right$( Pix$( x, y), 1) +mid$( Pix$(  x, y), 2, 1) +left$( Pix$( x, y), 1);                                          '   <<<<<<
                    bytes   =bytes +3
                next x
                '   however each row has to be represented by multiples of four bytes, so add as necessary.
                if ( bytes mod 4) <>0 then b =4 -( bytes mod 4)
                for k =1 to b
                    #bmp chr$( 0);  '   could be any byte as padding....                               '   <<<<<<
                    bytes   =bytes +1
                next k
            next y
            close #bmp
    end sub

    function rev$( i$)
        rev$ =mid$( i$, 3, 1) +mid$( i$, 2, 1) +mid$( i$, 1, 1)
    end function
    function sgn( x)
        if x >=0 then sgn =1 else sgn =0 -1
    end function
    '   ________________________________________________________________________
      sub circle cx, cy,    rd,    r, g, b
      'LOCAL f, x, y, ddx, ddy
      f     =1 -rd
      y     =rd
      ddy   =0 -2 *rd
      call setpixel cx,    cy +rd, r, g, b
      call setpixel cx,    cy -rd, r, g, b
      call setpixel cx +rd, cy,    r, g, b
      call setpixel cx -rd, cy,    r, g, b
      while x =0 then
          y     = y -1
          ddy   =ddy +2
          f     =f +ddy
        end if
        x       =x       +1
        ddx     =ddx     +2
        f       =f + ddx +1
        call setpixel cx +x, cy +y,   r, g, b
        call setpixel cx -x, cy +y,   r, g, b
        call setpixel cx +x, cy -y,   r, g, b
        call setpixel cx -x, cy -y,   r, g, b
        call setpixel cx +y, cy +x,   r, g, b
        call setpixel cx -y, cy +x,   r, g, b
        call setpixel cx +y, cy -x,   r, g, b
        call setpixel cx -y, cy -x,   r, g, b
      end sub
    sub bresenham x1, y1,   x2, y2,   r, g, b
        dx =abs( x2 -x1): sx =sgn( x2 -x1)
        dy =abs( y2 -y1): sy =sgn( y2 -y1)
        if dx dy then
                x1 =x1 +sx: e =e -dy: if e <0 then e =e +dx: y1 =y1 +sy
                y1 =y1 +sy: e =e -dx: if e <0 then e =e +dy: x1 =x1 +sx
            end if
        loop until 0
    end sub
      '   _________________________________________________________
      sub bezierquad x1,y1,  x2,y2,  x3,y3, n,  r, g, b
        for i = 0 to n
            t       =i /n
            t1      =1 -t
            a       =t1^2
            b       =2 *t *t1
            c       =t^2
            Pix( i) =int( a *x1 +b *x2 +c *x3 +0.5)
            Piy( i) =int( a *y1 +b *y2 +c *y3 +0.5)
        next i
        for i =0 to n -1
            call bresenham Pix( i), Piy( i),   Pix( i +1), Piy( i +1),    r, g, b
        next i
      end sub
    '   ________
    sub beziercubic x1, y1,    x2, y2,    x3, y3,    x4, y4,    n
        for i = 0 to n
            t       =i /n
            t1      =1 -t
            a       =t1^3
            b       =3 *t *t1^2
            c       =3 *t^2 *t1
            d       =t^3
            Pix( i)  =int( a *x1 +b *x2 +c *x3 +d *x4 +0.5)
            Piy( i)  =int( a *y1 +b *y2 +c *y3 +d *y4 +0.5)
        next i
        for i =0 to n -1
            call bresenham Pix( i), Piy( i),   Pix( i +1), Piy( i +1),    r, g, b
        next i
    end sub
    '   ______<<<<<<< bring back as a sub or function

      ' Create a ppm version of an existing bmp
      call fill 0, 0, 0 '   initialise all pixels to black...
      open "a.bmp" for input as #fIn
        da$         =input$( #fIn, 53) '   get past bmp preamble 53 bytes
        for y =0 to Height step 1
            for x =0 to Width
                da$         =input$( #fIn, 3)
                Pix$( x, y) =rev$( da$) '    rgb --> bgr
                if x mod 501 =0 then da$ =input$( #fIn, 1) ' get past the padding byte
            next x
        next y
        close #fIn
      ''call savePpm "lazarus3"

function FourByteString$( i)
  b1  = i mod 2^8
  b1$ =chr$( b1)
  i   =( i -b1) /2^8
  if i <0 then i =0

  b2  = i mod 2^8
  b2$ =chr$( b2)
  i   =( i -b2) /2^8
  if i<0 then i =0

  b3 = i mod 2^8
  b3$ =chr$( b3)
  i   =( i -b3) /2^8
  if i<0 then i =0

  b4 = i mod 2^8
  b4$ =chr$( b4)
  FourByteString$ = b1$ +b2$ +b3$ +b4$
end function